Limiting by Collection

 Unfortunately, our client-side scripts don't have access to the information on which collection(s) the product belonged to when it was added to the shopping cart.

Instead, we provide a way to create custom product groups that can be used for this job. 

Group limits are limit rules that apply across more than one item. You can categorize your items based on one or more conditions based on their Shopify attributes. Then you define limitations for that category of items you defined within our settings page:

Each limit requirement is a unique case, and only you can tell which specific group-by condition would be the most convenient in your case. Our application provides you with a flexible and easy way to define such conditions. Here are a few examples of them:

  • Grouping products based on their belonging to a collection or multiple collections:

  • Grouping items based on a common keyword in the product's handle, title, description, variant title, or say SKU:

  • Grouping by a list of values:

  • Grouping by product's type, tags, or item's vendor:

  • As you can see above, there can be a negative group-by condition. This limit would be applied to the entire shopping cart except for Gift Cards.
  • You also can use group limits to create limitations for the current customer tag. This limitation only works if you require all customers to be logged into the shop before purchasing. However, if customers are only log in on the /checkout page, these limitations wouldn't function.
  • If you switch the group-by selector to "Condition Set", it would be possible to define composite conditions too:

Tips & Tricks

Please don't forget to enter a meaningful group limit's "Title", the short group description displayed to the customers within each notification message. The title can be either a piece of plain text or properly formatted HTML. For instance, the following title:

would be turned into this message should its corresponding limitation is unmet:

So as you can see, within each group limitation message, there is a part common for all related cases and a variable part "title" specific for that group only. Such message templates can be adjusted on our "Messages" settings section:

At present, MinMaxify supports 5 different per-group limiting options: Min Quantity, Max Quantity, Multiple (Pack Size, example: soda 6-packs), Min Amount, and Max Amount.

Most of these options are hidden by default, but you can reveal them by clicking the "more options" link at the lower right corner of each group limit.

Please also notice the "Individually apply limits to each matched cart line" checkbox at the bottom. If you turn it on, all the limits defined would be applied to each product in your shopping cart individually, instead of putting those minimum or maximum to their total quantity.

Defining a minimum for any group doesn't make any of those matched products mandatory. If none of them are added to the shopping cart, then the limit wouldn't be triggered. 

All the group limits, except the ones with "Individually apply limits to each matched cart line" turned on, are being applied to your shopping cart independently. So if a product falls under more than 1 group-by condition, all of those group limit messages would be displayed.

Naturally, when "Individually apply limits to each matched cart line" is on, only the first group minimum/maximum set would be applied to that cart item.

For more details, we provide customer support via email. Please send your questions or feedbacks to We look forward to providing assistance.

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