Introduction To Rules

Rules definition interface is designed to help with putting advanced sets on restrictions which cannot be expressed within our more simple " General" or "Product" settings sections.

As it can be seen above it is possible to express quite sophisticated limit sets using this function. The general idea is very simple though: you define certain conditions to be checked against the current customer's context. Then you create rules (or nested conditions) which would be applied to the shopping cart once those conditions are met. So let explore the rules interface in more details first.


At present there is only one type of rules applicable in MinMaxify: limit rules. A couple examples can be see on the picture below.

Any limit rule consists of 3 key parts: product(s) selector, limits, and the message.

A typical product selector looks like this:

As you can see there is great flexibility in the way how you define which products the limits are supposed to applied to. It can be:

  • cart as a whole;
  • any SKU in cart;
  • any product in cart;
  • all products belonging to the following group;
  • any SKU belonging to the following group;
  • any product belonging to the following group.

The first three "apply to" options are trivial, if you select one of them, then the limits you define within this rule would be applied to one of those cases respectively.

For the latter 3 options you will require to specify a group-by filter using the selectors provided by our user interface. That filter is similar to our "Group" settings section. It can be very flexible, so we encourage you to read this article and experiment with what you can achieve with this kind of functionality.

For instance here's how you filter products/variants by a list of SKUs:

Or by vendor:

Or even by this much more versatile filter set:

Please read this article to find more tips and tricks regarding group-by conditions.

The second limit rule's key part is the limit set itself. You can specify what kind of minimums or maximums can be applied to the cart or to the product falling under the filter described above:

Once both product(s) selector and the limits are defined, you're supposed to also specify the message which would be displayed to the customer when any of the limits are violated. Please see a typical message example on the picture above. As long as the message field is left empty, this specific limit rule be unenforced on the customers.


When you need certain limits to work in certain circumstances only, you can put that limit rule under a condition or under several nested conditions.

Here's an example:

As seen above, there can be multiple limit rules or sub-conditions within each specific condition.

Here are a few examples of when you might require to use a condition:

  1. Make certain products mutually exclusive.
  2. Make certain products mutually mandatory.
  3. Make some general limitation to only work when a certain product is added into the cart.
  4. Turn a number of limit rules on after a certain date and time only.
  5. Turn a number of limit rules on for a certain kind of customers only.

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