Product Limits CSV Format


comma-separated values (CSV) file is a delimited text file that uses a comma to separate values. Each line of the file is a data record. Each record consists of one or more fields, separated by commas. The use of the comma as a field separator is the source of the name for this file format

MinMaxify expects you to provide a CSV file or a text following MS Excel CSV dialect:

  • cell values are supposed to be delimited with commas;
  • if a table cell contains any commas, double quotes or unicode characters in themselves, then they are supposed to be enclosed in double quotes;
  • please make sure that each cell doesn't contain any unneeded whitespace characters at the beginning or or at the end.

Here's an example of a valid CSV input:

For per-product limits the second column is supposed to contain valid product's handle. It is a product's URL tail registered in Shopify database. All of your current product handles can be exported into a CSV file using this Shopify instruction.

For per-variant limits the first two columns ("Title" and "Product Handle") are supposed to be replaced with a single "SKU" column.

You can see an example of a valid CSV input specific for your account if you create a few corresponding limits manually, and then make use of our "View as CSV" menu item:

It is recommended to erase the entire product limit list before importing a new set.

Typical mistakes during import

Below you can find a few most frequently encountered problems with CSV files being imported by our users.

  1. Wrong CSV column order. For instance "Title" and "Product Handle" columns are mismatched.
  2. Invalid product handles which are not referencing any actual values in the Shopify database.
  3. Wrong number format for the numeric columns. Our app doesn't support comma neither as a thousands delimiter nor as decimal point replacement. Please make sure that your "Minimums", "Maximum" and "Multiple" cells are containing plain numbers only.

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